Decolonizing Art Ecosystem Event 3

         The third event that I had the pleasure of attending was about the decolonization of AI. I believe that AI technology is rapidly advancing and has the potential to greatly impact society. However, I also believe that it is important to consider the issue of agency when it comes to AI. While AI can perform tasks and make decisions based on data and algorithms, it ultimately lacks the human element of consciousness and free will. This raises questions about who is responsible for the actions and decisions made by AI, and whether they can be held accountable for any negative consequences that may arise. As we continue to develop AI technology, it is important to carefully consider these ethical implications and develop guidelines to ensure that AI is used in a responsible and safe manner.

        In one program, the AI produced portraits of people during the renaissance but made everyone that did the portrait white.  It seems to me that these AI apps are merely making the provocative claim of producing "fine art". However, whether it is considered as such is still dependent on societal consensus, or rather on the traditional gatekeepers, or would you see it differently?  These would presumably only provide a stage for the artworks if they at least apparently critically illuminate the AI behind them and thus follow the current discussion. Or do you see the danger in the artworks generated by AI determining the social discourse in an "unfiltered" way?

                AI is evolving at such an alarming rate that it isn't able to adapt to the concepts and inclusivity that take place in society nowadays. With the evolution of AI comes a needing for people to evolve with it or we shall be left behind stuck on the small differences that separate people in society. 


Nietzel, Michael T. “NSF Announces $140 Million Investment in Seven Artificial Intelligence Research Institutes.” Forbes, 5 May 2023,

Keturka, Justinas. “People Use New AI Artist That Turns Them into a Renaissance Portrait and It’s Either a Hit or a Miss (30 Pics).” Bored Panda, 18 Jan. 2023,

“Artificial Intelligence Is Evolving All by Itself.” Science, Accessed 9 June 2023.


 “The Movement to Decolonize AI: Centering Dignity over Dependency.” Stanford HAI, Accessed 9 June 2023.

“Stephanie Dinkins.” STEPHANIE DINKINS, Accessed 9 June 2023.

Keturka, Justinas. “People Use New AI Artist That Turns Them into a Renaissance Portrait and It’s Either a Hit or a Miss (30 Pics).” Bored Panda, 18 Jan. 2023,

“Artificial Intelligence Is Evolving All by Itself.” Science, Accessed 9 June 2023.

“Decolonising AI.” Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence: Home, Accessed 9 June 2023.


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