Robotics + Art

        When thinking about robotics and art, the first thing that comes to mind is the computer. Charles Babbage was the first mechanical engineer that made the concept of a programmable computer. Charles Babbage is considered the father of the computer as he built the first automatic computing engine to develop more complex machines known as modern computers. 

Walter Benjamin had many complex thoughts on industrialization as being bad but having some benefits. He talked about how it veered away from individuality as the machines would produce less creativity with things like assembly lines. However, he did see the benefits that sprouted from industrialization in society. He saw an increase in technological advancements and increased productivity, leading to a mass production of art and culture that was more accessible to the masses. There were still some downsides from his perspective though as the way society implemented industrialization was focused more on efficiency and profit instead of the well-being of the workers.             

            Now society has become less aware of the integration of robots into our lives which is something Benjamin didn't predict. Robots have been programmed to almost mirror us being able to hide in plain sight without some people knowing. Robots and AI have become so necessary in a society that some people can function in normal daily activities without them such as waking up, setting alarms, adjusting temperatures, shopping, groceries, checking the weather, traveling, etc. An example of this is a robot called Dr. Robot. The robot walks, talks, dances, evade obstacles, and can even tell jokes or give investment advice. It does this by connecting to your computer through Bluetooth being able to have camera footage and recharging itself by plugging itself into a cable. The advancements in technology have become almost essential to people's lives causing some to lose creativity whereas other people become motivated to create something new.



San Francisco Robotics Society of America (SFRSA),

Magazine, Smithsonian. “In 1913, Henry Ford Introduced the Assembly Line: His Workers Hated It.”, Smithsonian Institution, 1 Dec. 2016,

“Difference Engine.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 6 Apr. 2023,


San Francisco Robotics Society of America (SFRSA),

“Difference Engine.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 6 Apr. 2023,

“The Babbage Engine.” The Babbage Engine | Babbage Engine | Computer History Museum,

West, Darrell M., and John R. Allen. “How Artificial Intelligence Is Transforming the World.” Brookings, Brookings, 9 Mar. 2022,

The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction.


  1. Hello, thank you for your post!!! I found very interesting your information about computers. In my post I also mentioned the way that industrialization creates a loss of uniqueness, but I love how you mentioned the positive aspect of the industrialization written by Walter Benjamin. It is crazy how robots are developing and their integration into our life which no one would've been able to predict. The usage of robotics as you mention can be seen as a double edge sword which is both positive and negative.

  2. Hi Griffin!! I liked your approach on this weeks topic of math and art. Similarly, I also think of computers when I think of math and art. I also agree with your perspective about how robots are integrated into our lives in many ways that we may not even notice anymore. If you take a step back and really think about how much of a role that AI and robots play in the world it is pretty crazy to me. I think that there are both positives and negatives to AI and robots, and that it is important to be aware of them. Overall, I really enjoyed reading your blog.


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