Cosmological Element Event 1

        For much of the twentieth century, the quickest way to produce a high-resolution image of outer space was to hire someone to paint it by hand. We can better understand space in general as the advancement of technology provides insight into what exists outside of our normal field of view. It can almost be seen as a form of art the way things in space like stars, stardust, and galaxies with the vibrant amount of colors included in their formations and shapes.

        Many people helped create the artworks of space that we know today, such as Anna Atkins and Cecilia Payne. Anna Atkins's innovative use of new photographic technologies helped merge art and science. She made a book with images of photography that showed the exceptional wonder and art found in the use of photography. Cecilia Payne was an American astronomer and astrophysicist that proposed the idea of stars being made up of hydrogen and helium. This allowed for understanding of stars to become better allowing forms of art to capture its essence.

        The event was overall a great experience being able to learn more about art mixing with science. The speakers stayed on the topic asking questions to each other showing that they were learning along with me. The event helped to solidify my mind that science and math are necessary for art to prosper in this day and age. They even talked about programs where people can study from different countries coming together and connecting over science. The students of such classes create projects and art pieces from their learnings creating pieces through their creativities. 


“Space Painting.” Etsy,

“Artists.” Cosmological Elements,

“Colorful Brain Math ,Science and Art Photographic Print by Osamamohamad.” Redbubble,


“Artists.” Cosmological Elements,

“Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 24 Apr. 2023,

“Anna Atkins and the First Book of Photographs.” Natural History Museum,

Academy, Alps Art. “Alps Art Academy.” Alps Art Academy " PROGRAM,

“Space Art.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 12 Mar. 2023,,the%20fields%20which%20fascinated%20him.


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